From Flat Screen to Nature via Birding: HKU ecologist and Hong Kong Bird Watching Society jointly develop "HKBirds: Birds of Hong Kong" birding app
30 Jun 2021

Red-whiskered Bulbul, a common and widely distributed Hong Kong resident usually seen in woodland, open country and urban areas. (Photo credit: Hong Kong Bird Watching Society)

"HKBirds: Birds of Hong Kong" mobile app carries information of over 240 bird species, covering most of the common species found in Hong Kong.
Nowadays, citizens often stick to the flat screens of mobile phones. To reconnect people in the city with nature through their mobile devices, the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society jointly developed the iOS app "HKBirds: Birds of Hong Kong". The app facilitates observation, identification, recording and sharing of bird records at anytime and anywhere. It encourages users to observe and reconnect with nature, raises public awareness on biodiversity and enhances appreciation of nature. The app is available for free download worldwide and acts as a field guide for the birds of Hong Kong.
Mr LAU Wai Man, Chairman of Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, said: "This mobile application records over 40% (240 species) of the birds in Hong Kong and provides detailed information including characteristics, habitats, conservation status, bird calls, etc. The public can also systematically record their observations in the app, which makes this app a comprehensive learning platform."
The project coordinator, Dr Billy HAU from HKU School of Biological Sciences added: "Urban populations have been growing fast worldwide. Apart from protecting biodiversity in the natural environments, promoting biodiversity conservation in urban environments has become a global trend in recent years. This app facilitates Hong Kong people to learn more about the diverse bird fauna of Hong Kong and enables knowledge exchange."
“HKBirds: Birds of Hong Kong” is a Mobile App under the project titled "From Flat Screen to Nature via Birding", which is supported by HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund. Technical support of the Mobile App is provided by HKU Department of Computer Science.
The Mobile App can be downloaded from here:
Home page of "HKBirds: Birds of Hong Kong" can be access from here:
Images download:
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Casey To, External Relations Officer (tel: 3917 4948; email: / Ms Cindy Chan, Assistant Director of Communications of HKU Faculty of Science (tel: 3917 5286; email:; Dr Billy Hau of HKU School of Biological Sciences ( or Ms Woo Ming Chuan, Deputy Director of HKBWS (