Dedication Ceremony for the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing
-- A collaborative hub to foster innovation and creativity
27 Apr 2018

The group photo of HKU Council Chairman Professor the Hon. Arthur K.C. Li, Mr and Mrs Tam Wing Fan and their guests.
A dedication ceremony was held today (April 27, 2018) for Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing (Innovation Wing) to honour Mr and Mrs Tam Wing Fan for their very generous pledge to donate HKD100 million to the Faculty of Engineering (the Faculty), the University of Hong Kong (HKU), in support of the establishment of Innovation Wing. This iconic landmark which planned to be completed by 2020 will be the new facility on the main campus to nurture innovation and creativity of our future engineers.
The Ceremony was officiated by the Guests of Honour Mr Tam Wing Fan and Mrs May Tam. Officiating guests also included HKU Council Chairman Professor the Hon. Arthur K.C. Li, HKU Acting President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul K.H. Tam, HKU Dean of Engineering Professor Norman C. Tien, Professor T.H. Tse, Mr Edward Ho and Mr Heman Hsuan.
The HKU Acting President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul K.H. Tam gave a vote of thanks in the Ceremony. He said: “The Innovation Wing will serve as an enabling space to support our 3+1 Is by providing an open environment to foster multidisciplinary innovation among students and teachers. On behalf of the University, a warm and sincere thank you for your generous support, and for believing in HKU and our endeavours”.
Thanking Mr and Mrs Tam for their kind support, Professor Norman C. Tien, Dean of Engineering, said: “The best engineering schools around the world are all acknowledging the value of nurturing innovation among our young generation. The Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing will be an iconic state-of-the-art facility where the students’ can expand their imagination and make their ideas become reality.”
The new Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing will be located on the G/F and LG/F of existing Hui Oi Chow Science Building, covering 2,400 m2 of floor area. It will house interactive teaching and learning spaces, Makerspaces, brainstorming areas, and more. This new facility is envisioned to groom our students with creative, interdisciplinary and hands-on skills to offer solutions to future problems. The Innovation Wing will join hand with Engineering teaching departments to actively support student experiential learning activities in order to facilitate students to apply their knowledge and innovation to serve the community.
Media enquiries:
Faculty of Engineering Ms Rhea Leung (Tel: 3917 8519 / 9022 7446; Email:
or Ms Bonnie Tsang (Tel: 3917 1924 / Email:
(From left) HKU Acting President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul K H Tam, Mr and Mrs Tam Wing Fan, HKU Council Chairman Professor the Hon. Arthur K.C. Li, HKU Dean of Engineering Professor Norman C. Tien, Professor T.H. Tse, Mr Edward Ho and Mr Heman Hsuan officiate the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing Dedication Ceremony.