Review Panel on University Governance collects views from HKU members and stakeholders
21 Jun 2016

Review Panel member Professor William C. Kirby, Chairman Professor Sir Malcolm Grant and member Mr Peter Van Tu Nguyen
The Review Panel on University Governance, established by the Council of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) is holding a series of consultation sessions on campus to collect views from Council members, University staff, students, alumni and other relevant stakeholders.
Panel Chairman Professor Sir Malcolm Grant, former President of University College London and current Chancellor of the University of York, said today (June 21) before a discussion forum for undergraduate students that the panel will conduct the review in an open and fair manner in accordance with its terms of reference.
Professor Grant said: “We are very pleased to have this opportunity to assist the University in reviewing its governance and effectiveness. We believe that a university that is committed to academic excellence requires this ambition to be reflected also in the quality of its governance.”
“We will approach the task before us objectively and with open minds, with experience of different models of governance in different global settings, and with the aim of assisting HKU in developing a model of governance that is fit for purpose for its world class aspirations," he added.
HKU members and stakeholders can also submit to the panel their comments and suggestions on issues relating to the governance of the University in writing by the end of June. The panel is expected to submit a report to the University Council in October 2016.
The other two members of the Review Panel are Professor William C. Kirby, T.M Chang Professor of China Studies and Spangler Family Professor of Business at Harvard University; and Mr Peter Van Tu Nguyen, a retired High Court Judge of Hong Kong.
The terms of reference of the Review Panel are as follows:
“To conduct an overall review of the governance structure of the University, and specifically:
a. to review the effectiveness of the current governance structure of the University, following the implementation of the recommendations in the Niland Reports (2003 and 2009);
b. for the purpose of the review, to
- receive information, advice and suggestions from relevant committees and members of the University (including staff, students and alumni) and other stakeholders of the University;
- take into consideration findings and recommendations of relevant reviews of university governance in recent years (including the review conducted by Professor Sir Howard Newby commissioned by the UGC) and the review by the University’s Working Group on Confidentiality, as well as best practices of publicly funded universities around the world;
- review the provisions in the University Ordinance and Statutes relating to the University’s governance, management and operations, and their appropriateness; and
- conduct reviews in any other areas which relate or affect the effectiveness of the University’s governance;
c. to make recommendations which would enhance the effectiveness of the governance of the University as appropriate.”
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 / email: