New Publication by HKU Paediatricians “Infant Nutrition – starting from the womb – The Paediatric Disease You Must Learn”
11 Feb 2015

“Infant Nutrition – starting from the womb – The Paediatric Disease You Must Learn”, recently published by the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
Healthy eating will benefit one’s health a lifetime. More and more evidence from studies suggest that healthy nutritional support during pregnancy and early infancy period will have long term implications on health later in life. Problems with poor growth, picky eating, obesity, etc. usually stem from unhealthy feeding habits during early infancy. In order to build up a good foundation for one’s health, one should learn how to target at the nutritional goal – from the time before a woman becomes pregnant. Noticing the importance of nutritional support to expectant mothers, the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has recently published the fifth book of the ‘The Paediatric Disease You Must Learn’ series, entitled “Infant Nutrition – starting from the womb – The Paediatric Disease You Must Learn”. The book, priced at HK$75 and now available at bookstores, provides nutritional and breastfeeding information which pregnant women should know and serves as a tool book for new parents in Hong Kong.
One of the committee members of the editorial board, Professor Godfrey Chan Chi-fung, Tsao Yen-chow Professor in Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Clinical Professor and Head of Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU, said that “ ‘The Paediatric Disease You Must Learn’ series has been providing a comprehensive educational platform for parents to learn about the common problems related to paediatrics and child health since the release of the first issue. We explain medical knowledge in layman terms and use examples to rectify misconception. User friendly format has been adopted and one of the unique features of this new book is highlighting the importance of infant nutrition from the time of pregnancy. Many practical tips are listed so parents can apply the information readily to themselves and their children. We wish this series of book can serve as a bridge for knowledge exchange between medical professionals and our readers.”
Book 5 - “Infant Nutrition – starting from the womb”
The newly published book educates expectant mothers how to take care of their general health before they prepare to be conceived – to get rid of unhealthy social behaviour and habits. They should absorb the nutritional needs that pregnant women should have in pregnancy, including a number of important ingredients like calcium, folic acid and iron. Readers will also learn how to deal with common problems like constipation and vomiting during pregnancy. Numerous advantages of feeding babies breastmilk are included in the book. There are also tips that can help mothers become more competent and confident in breastfeeding and breastfeeding mothers are willing to share with readers about their journeys of breastfeeding their babies. Another committee member of the editorial board, Professor Lau Yu-lung, Doris Zimmern Professor in Community Child Health and Chair Professor of Paediatrics, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU, said exclusive breast feeding in the 4 to 6 months of life will have long-lasting positive impact on health outcome. Mothers will have advices from dietitians to choose the best menu of complementary food for their young children as they mature. All advices and recommendations in the book follow international standards while adapting to the local situations in Hong Kong.
About “The Paediatric Disease You Must Learn” series
Since 2009, the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU has launched a series of public education books named as ‘The Paediatric Disease You Must Learn’, which received overwhelming response from readers of all walks of life. Through the experiences of paediatric patients, the books serve to enhance public awareness and protect the health of children by introducing common paediatric diseases in a layman-friendly manner. The Department hopes that the public can have a proper understanding of some common paediatric diseases, and be supportive as well as compassionate to the affected children and parents.
The book series has won the Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2011 of The University of Hong Kong. The Award was presented to the project which can transfer the excellence in teaching and learning from the University spectrum effectively and continuously to the public via multi-channels, including books, DVDs, public talks and so on.
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